Saints and Sinners

We all are saints or sinners and some of us are just more forward about it and have no intention on hiding their true selves. Some may call them the “prude” and the “slut” but i think thats a bit radical, for me saints are not prudes and sinners are not sluts, they are just more reserved in one way and the others like to break the rules a little. Now i’m going to talk about the kinds of saints and sinners that I know:

  1. THE SAINT: first we have this type. Again, i’m not saying they are prude and that they live with nuns. This are the type of girl that is reserved with certain things and topics. They don’t like to break rules, they like to stick to what their parents told them it is good and bad. They like the safety. In a relationship they like to have things clear, what are we? Where are we going? They don’t fool around. Believe in the slogan of “true love waits”, their self-respect is really high. Party girls? Not so much, early curfew. They have high morals and they stick to their beliefs. They are really sweet and really good friends, betrayal is not in their nature. Always thinking in the others, they are selfless.


  1. THE “SAINT” THAT IS A SINNER: for me this are the worst kind of girls I know. They act like they are saints, judging other people because that is exactly what they do or want to do. This girls are sneaky, manipulative and usually backstabbers. They make you believe they are really nice and good friends and they are always talking about how well they behave in attempt to convince you that they are really good. They are not. They are the worst because everything is a lie. If you trust them, behind your back they tell other people everything, with details, and trash you with them. This are usually scared of judgment so they think they have to wear this mask and judge other people so they feel better about themselves and what they do.


  1. THE SINNER: they just do whatever they want to do. And the forbidden fruit tastes better. They are just open about everything and are not afraid of judgment and of course they don’t judge because they’ve done worst. Usually have outgoing personalities, impulsive and direct. If you have a friend like this, they are going to tell you the things straight forward without the fear of hurting your feelings. You can talk to them about everything, they don’t get scared with any type of conversations and they won’t lie about what they’ve done. If they want it, they go for it. They live without a care in the world and, sometimes, they are irresponsible. You never know if they are going to show up or not.

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  1. THE SINNER/SAINT: they are the perfect balance of sinner and saint. They do what they want, maybe break some rules but they really have a moral compass that rules their life. They may be dancing in the table at 4am, but it’s unthinkable missing sunday mass and their social service. They are outgoing sociable persons, but they are firm believers in some things and be judgmental sometimes. They are self-contradictory about what they say. They are nice but deep down they have their weapons and you never know when they might use them.


The shoe fits? wear it. No matter if you are a saint or a sinner. Be who you like to be and don´t be scared of what other people may thing. Do what you want to do, whenever you want, and with whoever you want to. Always believe in what you want and don’t let anybody make you do something you don’t want. Be true to yourself.

picture credit: we heart it

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