Christmas, please hurry!!

Most of all are just waiting for december to come, two reasons: vacations and CHRISTMAS.

This is one of my favorite holidays of the year, this is why:

School is over, sweaters are on and there are no worries in the world. We don’t have to do nothing. TV becomes our one and only friend. There is no better feeling in the world than not having to wake up early and sleep late without a care in the world. Eating all day everything that is in your fridge. One of this season’s workout consist in going from the touch to the fridge and then back.


Staying in your PJ’s all day. Cold weather means just one thing: long socks and snuggling in bed all day long. Watching for the 10th time Gossip Girl from the beggining and imagining how your life would be if you were Serena Van der Woodsen. Your other allie for this season is netflix.


Decorations. Decorating everything and I mean everything. Putting all the lights and socks is not easy. Climbing the walls to put all those colorful lights and surrounding all the outside trees of the house. Also is really fun making them. Making and decorating christmas wreath, spheres and banners, sewing pillows are things that can keep you busy and productive. Decorating food. Cookies, cupcakes, gingerbread houses. They also make perfect gifts that can save you lots of money. And the most important decoration that makes christmas, christmas: CHRISTMAS TREE! lights, spheres, the big star on top. This just completes christmas.


Christmas dinners, with friends and family they are allways amazing. Lots of food without any guilt, turkey, gravy, salad, smashed potatoes, beef, and mooore. Best of all, the left overs. This dinners bring every group of friends together. Food + friends + alcohol = best time ever and stories that will remain until the next dinner comes and you have new ones.


Fashion. All the prints and colors of fashion are just beautiful. Long socks, snowflakes and reindeer prints, leggins, oversize sweaters and coats. Feathers, fur, everything looks specially beautiful in this time of the year. Light colors; beige, brown, white, and really bright colors; red, green, and blue. High boots, short boots, leg warmers. Hats, scarfs, ear warmers and gloves.  All works out.


Christmas movies. All the channels are invaded with christmas movies and songs. The traditional movies that you se EVERY year like Home Alone, The Grinch, The Holiday, Miracle in 34h street, etc. This are a good example of movies that every living person in this world has seen. And during this season they repeat them over and over and over, just in case if you miss them.


Last but not least, SANTA and PRESENTS. This is the best part. No opening gifts until christmas morning, the waiting just makes it better. Gifts exchange with family (i think this is the most dissapointing one because they always give you ugly things or useless). Secret friend is the coolest thing ever to do with your group of friends. Christmas shopping for gifts is just insane, all the stores are crowded. You will keep half the stuff you buy that was meant for giving and end up with a financial crisis but it is worth it. Giving presents to your loved ones and seeing their faces it is just an amazing feeling.


The over exited people that annoys everybody. This people just make any christmas lover felinos of joy and love turn into hate. They just ruin christmas after 10 mins of being with them. First they share their happiness but then they are just to much and end up overwhelming you. They will want to sing and force everyone to do it, they would want to take pictures of everything and want to go to every christmas event like christmas plays and movies.  At the end of the day they are just part of the tradition and you will have to deal with them every year because no matter how hard you try they will be everywhere you go.


BONUS: candy canes! this is something really important if you are Gleen Coco, if not just pray to get one and not be like Gretchen.


photo credit: we heart it