The ancient greeks said that there were four types of love:

– Familiar

– Friendship

– Sexual/romantic

– Divine love

I’m going to talk about the third kind of love. The love you feel for somebody else, the romantic one.

I am a very cold, I-don’t-show-my-emotions kind of person. And for me, love is finding the person who I can show my emotions. The person I can share them with. I am a person with trust issues so when I start to tell you my emotions and why I feel like that, that is when you know I’m not just wasting my time with you but that I love you. I think everybody has a different perspective of love and everybody knows when they feel it and why. For me finding a person I can trust and share about me is finding love. Finding the person I can laugh but also can be serious.

I think that actions can speak louder than words, and when you are in love, your attitude and actions are positive and if they’re not maybe you are not in love, cause I think love has the power of turning the angriest man into a loving kitty. Also, love allows you to give somebody a free pass to know you, all of you. Your light and your darkness. It gives you a partner, somebody that is with you in your darkest moments and help you go through them. To share the moments of light, the moments of happiness and joy.You’ve heard the quote:

“If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

– Marilyn Monroe

And it is true. But also you have to be careful who do you give your love to. Some people are only in your life for a little bit, and don’t have any intention of staying. They only want to enjoy good moments, enjoy your light. You have to pick who is worth your time, your trust, YOUR LOVE and that your love is corresponded. Love should not be a just- one-way feeling, and when it is like that, is when you start to close yourself to love. As if love was the one that hurt you. No, it wasn’t love, it was the inability of realizing the hard truth that he’s just not that into you (or her), another phrase and movie that it should be a must in every girl’s life. That movie talks about that you have to stop avoiding the reality and realize that not everyone deserves your love and maybe you just want to feel love so badly that you are willing to give it to the first person that shows any interest and give them the chance to break you, just making you feel lonelier and emptier. Sometimes that feeling is like a drug, because when you go out looking for someone to fill in something that it is missing, you delude yourself thinking that someone you met that moment, loves you and for that moment you are happy thinking that that emptiness you felt now is gone, but when the truth hits you again you feel guilt and sadness and you have to do it over and over again, just to distract yourself from that reality that you just don’t want to feel and to think that you are happy. Recognize the difference between the feeling and the illusion. Sometimes people are just in love with love and not actually in love. They just want to feel it so bad that end disappointed and again blame it on love. Saying that “love sucks” and “it’s just a waste of time” but in reality you got disappointed because you weren’t in love, it was just an illusion. So first, know yourself, love yourself and figure out what it is that you really want and especially what you need. Maybe, alone time to discover who you are and what do you want in life and that if it really is worth it  what you being doing to yourself. Loving yourself before loving somebody else is essential, knowing your flaws and your virtudes and also finding someone that loves both of them. And don’t waste your time with temporary loves and by temporary it doesn’t mean about just one night stands but also long relationships that are just wasting your time because you are afraid of being alone. Be brave.

“Love comes when you least expect it”. Give without expecting something in return, grow as an individual and just be the best version of you. And I’m not saying I’m sure of who am I and what do I want, but now I know I’m not filling an emptiness and wasting my time and the other person’s time. I know t what i want and I’m not afraid anymore and I know how much I’m worth, because i failed a lot of times but I learned from my mistakes and how to be brave and to face my fears, because my greatest fear was getting to know myself, now I know i have much more than just darkness. And still, I have a lot to learn but I will take it a step at a time.

photo credit: we heart it.